States » Maharashtra » Recruiters » IIIT, Nagpur

IIIT, Nagpur Assistant Professor - 2024

General Information & Instructions


  1. The posts are on purely temporary basis and contractual basis initially for 11 Months. The extension of the tenure shall be based on Performance and shall be at the sole discretion of the Director, IIITN.
  2. The Institute reserves the right to terminate the candidate any time with One Month Notice without assigning any reason thereof.
  3. The Institute reserves the right to reject any / all application(s) and/or cancel the advertisement inwhole or in part without citing any reason at any stage of processing.
  4. The Institute reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of posts to be filled as per thesole discretion of the Director, IIITN.
  5. No TA / DA and / or Lodging / Boarding will be paid for attending the Written Test/Interview. No accommodation shall be provided.
  6. The applications are to be filled Online only through the Recruitment Portal of the Institute. The link to Recruitment Portal is available on the Institute Website viz.
  7. Applicants are not required to send hard copy of the application to the Institute. However, the applicants are advised to email the copy of the application on in addition to filling Online Application.
  8. Candidates are advised to fill the Online Prescribed Application Form within the stipulated time.The Recruitment Portalshall be closed on due date & time. The candidates would have to uploadthe relevant supporting documents online. Further, the Candidate will have to bring the original and one set of self-attested photocopies ofdocuments at the time of interview, date of which shall be intimated to the eligible candidate indue course.
  9. At the time of verification of documents, if documents are not as per Institute’s criteria or originals are not presented then candidate will not be allowed to attend Interview / selection shall be cancelled. Hiding information or submitting false information will lead to cancellation of candidature at any stage of recruitment.
  10. Candidates are advised to fill the information carefully in the application form. Institute will neither be responsible for any wrong information furnished by the candidate(s) nor accept any subsequent requests for making any corrections. The candidate(s) shall be solely responsible for the information filled in the online application form. No change/deviation, whatsoever, will be entertained.
  11. The candidates are required to have at least one working email (Gmail Only) and Mobile Numberwhich will be used during the entire selection process for communication, if required.
  12. Any modification / correction / addition etc. if any, related to the Advertisement and / or related tothe recruitment process will be uploaded in the Institute web site only. No other means of communication will be used for the same. Therefore, the candidates are advised to periodically visit the Institute website for updates, if any.
  13. The date for determining eligibility of candidates in every respect shall be the closing date for receipt of Application Forms.
  14. The Institute reserves the right to set higher norms than minimum while short listing taking intoaccount the specific requirements of the Institute. The decision of the Institute related to all matters pertaining to the recruitment shall be final and binding on the applicants. Fulfillment of qualifications per-se does not entitle a candidate to be called for selection process.
  15. Only the short-listed candidates shall be communicated about the mode, date and other relevantdetails for the interview / test. No correspondence regarding reasons for not short listing the candidate shall be entertained. The decision of the Screening Committee shall be final in all respect.
  16. The Institute shall communicate the relevant details pertaining to the joining only to the selected candidate(s) directly through email. No communication shall be done / entertained to / from thecandidate(s) who have not been selected.
  17. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection detected at any stage even after the issue of Appointment Letter, the Institute reserves the right to modify / withdraw /cancel any communication made to the candidates.
  18. The Institute shall verify the antecedents and documents submitted by a candidate at the time ofappointment or at any time during the tenure of the service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidate has a clandestine antecedents/background and has suppressed the said information, then his/her services shall beterminated and legal action may be initiated against such candidates/employees at their cost of consequence.
  19. The Institute reserves the right to assign / transfer the selected candidate to any section/department within the Institute.
  20. In case of any dispute regarding Recruitment Process, decision of the Director, IIITN shall be final.In case of any Legal Dispute regarding the Recruitment Process, the place of jurisdiction shall beNagpur, Maharashtra (India) only.
  21. Canvassing in any form or any attempt to influence the Recruitment Process whatsoever will leadto disqualification of candidature. No interim enquiries will be entertained.